I have become aware that the most important message which I have been given to declare,
is not being perceived by the great majority of readers.
I am hoping to get more clarity through, by means of an illustration.
Please imagine, that a child needs to be picked up from school by someone they have never seen before.
The parent leaves a note for the child, which says:
You can trust and go with the woman who is wearing a purple and pink top, white pants, with her hair in a long braid. Although she will be delayed beyond your dismissal, she WILL arrive at exactly 3 p.m.

But there is a kidnapper who also reads that note. This evil murderer knows that he can not prevent the woman from going to get the child at 3 p.m. He can not prevent that woman from having all the signs the child is looking for. He can not wear the woman's clothing, but he can wear clothing with the same description.
He wonders how can he possess the child instead.
He realizes that he must get there before the woman. He decides he will go to get the child at 2:45. He knows that he must look like a woman, and wear a purple and pink top and white pants...but he is unable to find a wig which has a long braid.
If the child is not vigilant, she may leave with the evil one. If fooled, she may not wait until 3 p.m., or take note that the braid is missing.
The Child is the Chosen Remnant.
The note from the parent, are the end-time prophetic scriptures from our Heavenly Father (Matt.24:3; Rev.5:1-2,6-7; 1:1 -- conveyed/"signified it"--Greek: "he showed by signs").
The trustworthy woman, is the truthful interpretation and timing of end-time spiritual events (Rev.12:6,14; 19:9; Matt.24:28; 25:10)
The child is released (dismissed), as when the Chosen are awaiting, expecting and searching for the fulfilled signs (Mark13:35) (Matt.25:6-7).
The woman's clothes and braided hair are the signs Jesus has given (Links: Matt.24; Luke 21; Mark 13; Rev.1:1),
to warn the last remnant of his brothers of dangers and solutions (Rev.3:11,22).
"3 p.m." is the circumstantial timing of the real arrival of the signs of the impending Kingdom (Matt.24:32,33,6,8, 34,36,42,44,50; Mark13:7), not an exact literal time.
The kidnapper is Satan (1Pet.5:8; Rev.12:4,13,15,17).
He also knows all the prophetic details (Matt.4:6).
Satan knows he can not prevent the prophetic spiritual signs and events which Jesus foretold for the end, from coming to pass (Rev.12:4-5,12-13).
Satan realizes that the only way to prevent the remnant from grasping hold of the life-saving warnings, is to stage a counterfeit earlier fulfillment within the physical realm, over which he has power and authority (Rev.12:15,9; 13:9,10,11,14; Matt.24:4,5,23,48; 2Thess. 2:2) ...both religious and secular. He has the power to do so (1John 5:19; Matt.4:8-9; James 3:15; Rev.2:24). Satan hopes that the remnant who are searching for the truthful interpretations of unfolding end-time events,
will be detoured, by Satan's own premature counterfeit "fulfillment" (2Cor. 11:3,20; Rev.2:20; Col.2:8; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10; Dan.8:12; 2Thess. 2:2,3,11; 2:1-2; Dan.7:25; Matt.7:15; 24:4,8,11,13,24; Rev.13:11).
Satan can not change nor fulfill the true spiritual signs Jesus gave. But he can fabricate a decoy within his own physical, visible realm, which is under his power (Rev.2:9; Eph.6:12; John 12:31).
He must do this before the True signs arrive.
Yet, he can not fabricate a counterfeit for every single true prophetic spiritual detail that Jesus gave.
Will the chosen notice these discrepancies? Will they prove attentive enough to prove wise, faithful, awake, sober, and discreet?
Sadly, Satan for a time, has fooled all of us (Rev.12:9; 8:10-11,12-13; 9:1-2,5,14; 13:7-8; Dan.7:25; 1Tim. 4:1; 2Thess. 2:4,8).
We all assumed that the prophecies would have a visible fulfillment in Satan's world. But the scriptures advise, not to walk by sight (John 3:12; 1Cor. 2:12,14; 2Cor. 5:7; Luke 17:20; Luke 12:54-56).
Yet now is the time to realize that our minds have been baited...corrupted away, deceived, and kidnapped into captivity by Satan's visible, physical diversions (Isa.5:13; 2Cor. 11:3; Matt.24:24,25; Luke 21:24; Rev.13:10,16,7; 16:13,14,15; Dan.11:33).
Many have surrendered their thinking ability and perceptive powers (Heb.5:14; 1Tim. 1:19; 3:9), to be in captivity to an Organisation of men (Jer.10:23; Rev.13:16-17,7,10; Col.2:8), or are riveted by Current events in Satan's world...seeking the truthful interpretation of prophecy, there.
For those whose attention has been arrested by Satan's decoy, Satan will continue to fabricate an unfolding counterfeit fulfillment.
We must break free (Ezek.39:25-27,28-29; Isa.52:1-2; 42:7; Luke 4:18; Rev.9:14; 16:12; 2Cor. 4:6; John 14:30 b), and seek out our safe and true escort...the truthful spiritual fulfillment of Jesus' prophetic warnings, which are the only safe route home to our reward (John 14:6; 17:17; Rom.3:4; 1John 2:20,27,28; Rev.22:6,16).
For more information about Satan's staged, counterfeit fulfillment of Jesus end-time warnings to his remnant Chosen brothers, go to the following links;
see PART I : pearl-satansthrone.blogspot.com
PART II: pearl-laborpains.blogspot.com
PART III: https://pearl-sign.blogspot.com/
These articles will reveal the details of prophetic spiritual Truth, which Jesus safeguarded for us by recording it in the scriptures (Matt.24:4,25; Rev.1:1).
May as many Chosen as possible, compare and discern the difference,
between the powerful delusional errors which have enveloped them,
and the scriptural details of spiritual Truth, contained within the life-saving end-time prophecies (Rev.1:3; 22:7).
The Greek word in those two verses, translated "observe", is the same word at Matt.28:20; John 8:51; and Mark 7:9. It means to understand and obey, the truths which will save those who recognize the warnings within Revelation's symbolism.
Yes, "observance" is needed to endure to the end.
Revelation's scroll is not about a world that the Chosen Ones are not a part of.
It is about the circumstances that they themselves are immersed within,
and tests that they themselves are undergoing.
Happy are those who recognize this truth, and act accordingly.
Thank you on this my dear sister. It is interesting how brother Russell in his times and writings was emphsaized the spiritual and not phisical fulfilmment of that prophecies. I am your brother from Croatia and I will tranlslate all of this in our language.
ReplyDeleteThank you for any support of truth you provide (Heb.6:10; Eph.4:25). I hope you will offer the other links also, so that the understanding of these things can be thorough.
DeleteLove in Christ,
Dear Pearl. I myself am translating all your work into Portuguese. These articles are benefiting me so much that I have decided to translate them and at the same time I learn as well. Like this I concentrate better. May Jah keep on blessing you my dear sister so you can continue with your work that Christ has assigned you to do.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Maria. I depend on the strength of God and the wisdom of His Word and spirit for all I do, so I appreciate any prayers said on behalf of my assignment. May I ask Maria, are you also Anabela Morais and Rosa Alves?
DeleteDear Pearl, I wholeheartedly agree with yr interpretation of scripture regarding the “ great crowd” it’s difficul to cast aside WTs description as those who survive Armageddon into the earthly Paradise, are the great crowd, but as usual WT mixes their interpretation beteen earth & heaven
ReplyDeleteI am a new believer and my family is all JW. I am so confused in what is Truth. How can an Organization be the "Truth" I feel in my heart I cant be apart of it but I cant yet strongly support the Trinity from Scripture. I only want to follow the true Jesus! When I pray to Jesus and ask for guidance and protection I feel sometimes I forget about the Father. So it's this weird dance going back and forth trying to equally honor bothFather and Son. Lord Jesus please protect me from Satan's deception and False doctrine! Give me discernment Lord Jesus! Thanks for your article
Hello Luis, Thank you for your comment. I will reply to the points you say, in hope that in some way, these thoughts will help you.
DeleteYou say, "I am so confused in what is truth."
After Jesus was arrested and taken to Pontius Pilate; Pilate asked Jesus, "What is Truth?" (John18:38).
He said that in response to what Jesus said, whose words I think can help you.
Jesus said; "In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John18:37).
If you really want the truth... Jesus provides it. (Luke 11:9-10,11-12,13)
Jesus is not physically here now, but he has chosen anointed priests to serve him, the Father, and the sheep (John15:16; Rev.5:10; 1Pet.2:5; Mal.2:7; 1Cor.4:1). Those servants can carry out their divine job faithfully, or they can be unfaithful (Luke 12:42-44,45-46). At John15:16, those priests are told to bear "fruit" for people to eat (John15:8; Rev.22:1-2; Matt.7:20; Luke 6:43,45). From Luke 6:45, we learn that the fruit, is teachings. How do we know which "trees" are teaching the fine fruit of truth from Jesus, and which trees are teaching lies?
This information will help you to decide: ( https://pearl-finetrees.blogspot.com )
After you think about the scriptures in that article; you will be better equipped to know if the Organization is teaching the truth.
I don't understand what you say next... ["I feel in my heart I can't be a part (of the organization) but I can't yet strongly support the Trinity from Scripture."]
I am confused, because the organization does not teach the trinity.
If you can clarify this comment, perhaps I can respond.
Next you say that you want to follow the true Jesus, and that in prayer, you feel you are doing a "weird dance" between the Father and the Son.
You do not have to feel divided in the honor you offer them. Imagine your father and grandfather. You can love and honor both of them, without feeling divided. Each of them has a place in your life.
Our protection from Satanic and demonic deception and false doctrine, and the blessing of discernment, IS through Jesus. But that protection must develop in our own mind, as we learn and grasp his teaching (Eph.6:11-13,14-16,17; Luke 10:19). Jesus taught from God (John7:16; 12:49; 14:10), so that those who learn, can become wise (2Tim.3:16-17; Ps.19:7; 119:105). If you continue to learn the truths of Jesus... you WILL know the truth... and the truth will set you free (John8:32; 2Cor.3:17).
Please visit my Main Page Blog. There is much to learn there from the scriptures. There is a search box to do research. There is a contact box, if you want to ask me for assistance.
Olá pearl, um abraço em seu coração ❤️
ReplyDeleteDear Perla, I will use the translator to translate into Italian and publish your posts. Perhaps they will not be perfect but I am sure they will appear understandable to me and they will be for the reader and where I have doubts I will turn to you for clarification.